11 October 2024

dignuta jedra
vjetar zapeo
u krošnjama

hoisted sails
the wind trapped
in the treetops

Haiku zbornik Ludbreg 2024

18 September 2024

Poetry Pea Podcast S7E38
Urednica Patricia McGuire intervjuirala me za Pea TV Haiku Readings. Kako se ovo poklapa s nedavnom promocijom moje nove haiku zbirke LINIJE ŽIVOTA / LIFE LINES / 生命線, bilo je mnogo razgovora o novoj knjizi, uključujući čitanje pjesama, kao i razgovor i pjesme iz moje prve samostalne knjige "Mliječnom stazom" iz 2016. 

Poetry Pea Podcast S7E38 
I was interviewed by editor Patricia McGuire for the Pea TV Haiku Readings. Since it coincides with the recent launch of my new book of haiku poetry LINIJE ŽIVOTA / LIFE LINES / 生命線, there is a lot of talk about the new book including poem readings, as well as a chat about and poems from my first solo book ''Down the Milky Way'' from 2016. 

12 September 2024



LINIJE ŽIVOTA / LIFE LINES / 生命線 is Pavlinović's third (second solo) collection of haiku poetry comprising 100 haiku poems, including those published, awarded, and commended in various domestic and international competitions. The book has 156 pages, and is trilingual (Croatian, English, and Japanese), with the English translations of the poems done by the author himself, as he writes and publishes in both Croatian and English, while the Japanese translations are the work of Japanese poet Ikuyo Yoshimura. The foreword was written by the distinguished Croatian haiku poet Nina Kovačić, and the book features short reviews by renowned Canadian poet Michael Dudley and translator and poet Ikuyo Yoshimura. Additional contributors include Sanela Pliško (co-editor), Matko Plovanić (cover, layout, and design), and Thierry Dubois (illustrations). The book is published by TONDAK in 2024.

"Precise and perceptive, the expressive haiku of Life Lines meaningfully explore the complex intersections of love and loss, of delight and grief, of acceptance and reflection.  Comprehensive in scope and arranged in a thematic four-part structure, each attentive section of poems evokes a myriad of resonant mind and heart responses to life's interconnected seasons." (Michael Dudley)

"Pavlinović’s book Life Lines contains haiku characterized by careful choice of words, balanced style, clarity, rhythm, and atmosphere. His haiku are striking and insightful, cleverly organized into an original concept. The artistic expression and aesthetic values of Dejan Pavlinović’s haiku confirm and enhance his status as one of the most compelling and creative contemporary authors, not only on the Croatian haiku scene." (Nina Kovačić)

"The love for family is like the flow of a river. Whether it's a small stream or a mighty river, both bask in the sunlight and, at times, pour into the vast ocean with intense rains. Family ties connect that love from generation to generation, eternally. Through Dejan Pavlinović's collection of haiku poetry, you can acknowledge the enduring love within a family." (Ikuyo Yoshimura)


Author: Dejan Pavlinović
Publisher: TONDAK
Language: Croatian, English & Japanese
Price: 14 EUR/15 USD + shipping (3 EUR/4 USD)
Pages: 156
Size: 140 x 205 mm (5.51″ x 8.07″)
Binding: perfect softbound with flaps
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 978-953-46031-1-6

Dejan Pavlinović: dejan.pavlinovic@gmail.com
Web/Blog: https://smilingcricket.blogspot.com


DEJAN PAVLINOVIĆ was born in 1968 in Pula, Croatia, but spent part of his childhood in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Today he is an English and German teacher, part-time tour guide and member of the indie band The Chweger from Pula. He served on the Iris haiku magazine editorial staff, and he is the founding editor of the Haiku HR Facebook page. He runs the Pula Gymnasium Haiku club in his school and conducts haiku workshops for students and adults. He judges haiku competitions for both children and adults. He has been writing haiku since 2007. His work is featured in two Croatian haiku anthologies. His poems have been published in various national and international haiku magazines, newspapers, websites and anthologies, as well as awarded and commended on Croatian and international haiku competitions. He publishes his haiku both in English and Croatian on his Smiling Cricket Haiku blog. In 2016 he published his first book, Mliječnom stazom / Down the Milky Way, a collection of haiku poetry written in both Croatian and English (foreword and afterword by Jane Reichhold and Djurdja Vukelic Rozic, and blurbs by George Swede and Chen-ou Liu). In 2021 he published Nexus Haiku, a co-authored and co-created bilingual collection of haiku, senryu, haiku sequences and rengay, where all poems were composed equally and collaboratively during a period of three years by Michael Dudley, Tomislav Maretić and Dejan Pavlinović. The Croatian Literary Society from Rijeka awarded Nexus Haiku the "Borivoj Bukva" prize for the best haiku collection published in Croatia in 2021. Pavlinović publishes his second solo book Linije života / Life Lines / 生命 in 2024, a collection of haiku poetry written in Croatian, English and Japanese (foreword by Nina Kovačić, and blurbs by Michael Dudley and Ikuyo Yoshimura).

23 August 2024

jutarnja kiša . . .
borove iglice na tlu
crvene kao njena kosa

morning rain . . .
pine needles on the ground
as red as her hair


16 August 2024

mamin pogreb
pitam se zašto
ne plačem

mom’s funeral
I wonder why
I’m not crying


09 August 2024

cikade nijeme . . .
postajem svjestan

cicadas silent . . .
I become aware
of the world


26 July 2024

vrhovi valova dodiruju
galebova krila

sirocco wind
crests of waves touch
a seagull's wings

Haiku zbornik Ludbreg 2024 / Haiku miscellany Ludbreg 2024

19 July 2024

iz šatora . . .
premještam paukovu nit
na susjednu granu

out of the tent . . .
I move the spider's thread
to a neighbouring branch

12 July 2024

preblizu suncu
ona kapljica znoja
niz njeno bedro

too close to the sun
that drop of sweat
down her thigh

31. Samoborski haiku susreti 2024. / 31st Samobor Haiku Meeting 2024
(iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

28 June 2024

prvi poljubac
rumenilo obraza i latica
u isto vrijeme

first kiss
the blushing of cheeks and petals
at the same time

31. Samoborski haiku susreti 2024. / 31st Samobor Haiku Meeting 2024

29 May 2024


LINIJE ŽIVOTA, nova zbirka haiku pjesama!

Upravo je iz tiska izašla moja treća (druga samostalna) zbirka haiku pjesama LINIJE ŽIVOTA / LIFE LINES / 生命線 u izdanju TONDAK-a. Knjiga je trojezična (hrvatski, engleski, japanski), predgovor je napisala vrsna hrvatska haiku pjesnikinja Nina Kovačić, dok su svojim kratkim osvrtima doprinijeli ugledni kanadski pjesnik Michael Dudley te prevoditeljica i pjesnikinja Ikuyo Yoshimura.

LIFE LINES, new book of haiku poetry!

My third (second solo) book of haiku poetry LINIJE ŽIVOTA / LIFE LINES / 生命線 published by TONDAK has just come out of print. The collection is trilingual (Croatian, English, and Japanese), with contributions from Ikuyo Yoshimura (Japanese translations + blurb), Nina Kovačić (foreword) and Michael Dudley (blurb).

Info i narudžbe / Info and orders: dejan.pavlinovic@gmail.com

10 May 2024

vučem prve poteze kista
jutarnjim plivanjem

dead calm
making my first brushstrokes
with a morning swim


seashores international haiku journal
Volume 12, April 2024

19 April 2024

konfiguracija zvijezda
na svom mjestu

coming home
the configuration of stars
in place

02 February 2024

krči svoj put
kroz urbanu džunglu
rijeka Saigon

worming its way
through urban jungle
Saigon river

Iz "PREKO ZELENIH POLJA" (Haiku putopis iz Vijetnama) / From "ACROSS THE GREEN FIELDS" (A haiku travelogue from Vietnam)

19 January 2024

suživot . . .
nevoljko udišem zrak
osobe do mene

coexistence . . .
I reluctantly breathe in the air
of the person next to me

Haiku časopis IRIS br. 17 / IRIS haiku magazine No. 17 – 2023

05 January 2024

promjena vjetra
u isto vrijeme kad i jučer
ples borova

shift in wind
same time as yesterday
the dance of pines

Haiku časopis IRIS br. 17 / IRIS haiku magazine No. 17 – 2023

10 November 2023

korak po korak
blatnjavim čizmama
premještam brdo

step by step
I move the mountain
with my muddy boots

seashores international haiku journal
Volume 4, April 2022

20 October 2023

bačeni kruh
ulični golubovi stvaraju
geometrijske oblike

thrown bread
street pigeons crafting
geometric shapes

13 October 2023

22 September 2023

08 September 2023

pulsiranje zemlje
kroz naše usne

the pulse of the earth
through our lips

25 August 2023

godišnjica smrti
u ladicama i ormarima
tražim odgovore

death anniversary
searching for answers
in drawers and cupboards

23 June 2023

zavojiti put
pomisao na što je iza
gura me naprijed

winding road
the thought of what's behind
keeps me going