29 November 2015

solar eclipse. . .
across a dandelion
an ant

pomrčina sunca... 
preko maslačka
prošeće mrav


20th International "Kusamakura" Haiku Competition, Kumamoto, Japan, 2015 - 2nd prize/2.nagrada

29 October 2015

between the rains. . .
from puddle to puddle
a rippling face

između kiša ...
od lokve do lokve
namreškano lice

Chrysanthemum 18 - International haiku magazine, 2015

25 October 2015

at the end
faster than days
a year

na kraju
brža od dana

Chrysanthemum 18 - International Haiku Magazine, 2015

17 October 2015

a merry party
on a dried-up field. . .
cracked pumpkin

veseli skup
na osušenom polju ...
napukla bundeva

The 11th Pumpkin Festival, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia, 2015 / 11. Bučijada u Ivanić-Gradu, 2015. - pohvala/commended

05 October 2015

fast day...
stomach groans louder
than the fridge

posni dan...
trbuh kruli glasnije
od hladnjaka

The Shiki Monthly Kukai – Kolovoz/August 2009

01 October 2015

from dark to dark
a hedgehog

iz mraka u mrak

'Sketchbook' ožujak-travanj/March-April 2010

25 September 2015

under the eaves
listening to the rain
a butterfly and child

pod strehom
osluškuju kišu
leptir i dijete

3rd Delnice Haiku Meeting 2015/3.Susreti haiku pjesnika, Delnice 2015 - 3. Nagrada/3rd prize

21 September 2015

a sudden breeze
turns a white petal
into a butterfly

nenadan vjetrić
pretvori bijelu laticu
u leptira

3rd Delnice Haiku Meeting 2015/3.Susreti haiku pjesnika, Delnice 2015 
(iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

17 September 2015

a willow bends
towards the speedy river...
a kiss runs away

nagne se vrba
prema užurbanoj rijeci ...
pobjegne poljubac

3rd Delnice Haiku Meeting 2015 /3. Susreti haiku pjesnika, Delnice 2015 
(iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

05 September 2015

defying the wind
a thrown plastic bag. . .
halted by a branch 

prkosi vjetru
odbačena vrećica ...
zapela na grani

The 7th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest 2015 - Selected Haiku/Odabrani haiku

01 September 2015

fallen leaves. . .
the wind still rustles
on the branches

otpalo lišće ...
i dalje na granama

 šušti vjetar

The 7th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest 2015 - Selected Haiku/Odabrani haiku

25 August 2015

at summer sunset
seagulls from the sea
into a dustbin

u ljetni suton
galebovi sa mora
u kantu za smeće

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

23 August 2015

mirrored sea
and floating islands
from the sky

zrcalno more
i plutajući otoci
s neba

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

17 August 2015

with the light
through closed eyelids
Monday ringing

sa svjetlom
kroz zatvorene kapke
zvoni ponedjeljak

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/ 

15 August 2015

night shower. . .
the scent of thirsty soil
into a sultry room

noćni pljusak ...
miris žedne zemlje
u sparnu sobu

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

11 August 2015

little finger
in search for little brother
on a belly

zaustavi se
u potrazi za bracom
prstić na trbuhu

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

09 August 2015

little pond
inside a thirsty swallow
hastily upwards

u žednoj lastavici
žurno uvis

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

05 August 2015

all expectations
kicking for a moment
on mother's palm

sva očekivanja
kucnu na trenutak
u majčin dlan

Haiku časopis IRIS br.7/8-2015 / IRIS haiku magazine No.7/8-2015

03 August 2015

from blue to red
after a distant ship
a little finger

iz modrog u crveno
za dalekim brodom
maleni prst

Haiku časopis IRIS br.7/8-2015 / IRIS haiku magazine No.7/8-2015

31 July 2015

before a full moon
the stars

pred punim mjesecom

Haiku časopis IRIS br.7/8-2015 / IRIS haiku magazine No.7/8-2015

27 July 2015

into the darkness
a car's lights

svjetla automobila
u mrak

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/ 

25 July 2015

closed eyes
still listening
to mom's whisper

sklopljene oči
i dalje osluškuju
mamin šapat

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

23 July 2015

look at me!
lonely street lamp
versus moon

pogledaj me!
usamljena ulična lampa
protiv mjeseca

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

21 July 2015

hooked up by the same thought
angler and fish

imam te!
spojeni istom mišlju
ribič i riba

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/ 

19 July 2015

in the harbour
a merry orchestra. . .
the chimes of masts

u lučici
veseli orkestar ...
zvone jarboli

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

17 July 2015

still running
from the nose
yesterday's sea
još curi
iz nosa jučerašnje

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

13 July 2015

afternoon fly
in search for some shade
into my ear

popodnevna muha
u potrazi za hladom
u moje uho

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

11 July 2015

between four eyes
and two smiles
nose cuddle

između četiri oka
i dva osmijeha
zagrljaj noseva

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

09 July 2015

briefly interrupting
a housewife's midday peace
a moth on the screen

na tren prekine
podnevni mir kućanice
moljac na ekranu

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

07 July 2015

for the first time
through thirsty furrows
autumn flowing

po prvi put
kroz žedne brazde
potekla jesen

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

05 July 2015

warming itself
between body hairs
winter Bora

zagrije se
između dlaka na tijelu
zimska bura

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

03 July 2015

back and forth
four eyes alike-
  puppy and child

amo tamo
četiri oka ista -
  psić i dijete

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

01 July 2015

dry-stone walls. . . 
signatures of ancestors
across the valley

suhozidi ...
potpisi predaka
kroz dolinu

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Travanj/April 2009

29 June 2015

first sun
filling the streets
with bora

prvo sunce
ispunilo ulice

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/ 

27 June 2015

storm outside. . .
quietly a gentle breeze
sways the curtain

vani bura ...
njiše zavjesu



25 June 2015

sightseeing. . .
untaken pictures gone
with the flood

razgled grada ...
nesnimljene fotografije
nestale sa poplavom

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Svibanj/May 2013

23 June 2015

its yesterday fly 

the same finger

jučerašnju muhu
isti prstić

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Travanj/April 2010

21 June 2015

after my forefinger
the same dust

za kažiprstem 
ista prašina

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Svibanj/May 2013

19 June 2015

even sour sweat
smells sweet on you
sleeping child

i kiseli znoj
na tebi miriše slatko
usnulo dijete

7.Kloštranski haiku susreti, Kloštar Ivanić /7.Klostar Ivanic Haiku Contest (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2009

15 June 2015

first step outside. . .
suddenly the wind is aware
of me only

prvi korak van ...
vjetar odjednom svjestan
samo mene

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Studeni/November 2013

13 June 2015

in pitch-black night
a tree that used to be there
rustles under the feet

u mrklom mraku
drvo koje je bilo tu
zašuštalo pod nogama

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Listopad/October 2014

11 June 2015

under downpour
umbrellas swaying-
sunflower field

pod pljuskom
zanjihali se kišobrani -
polje suncokreta

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Kolovoz/August 2014

07 June 2015

sun and sea
embraced on the horizon. . .
blushing sky

sunce i more
zagrljeni na obzoru ...
zarumenilo nebo

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Lipanj/June 2013

05 June 2015

back and forth
from nose to mouth
a snotty finger

amo tamo
od nosa do ustiju
šmrkavi prst

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Studeni/November 2008

03 June 2015

from cloud to cloud
little rain boots

sa oblaka na oblak
male čizmice

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - Studeni/November 2013

01 June 2015

down the slide
into tears

niz tobogan
klizne smijeh
u plač

16.haiku dan 'Dubravko Ivančan', Krapina /16.Dubravko Ivančan Haiku Contest, Krapina (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2014

31 May 2015

blossoming almond tree
in February frost

procvali badem
u veljačkoj zimi

Haiku časopis IRIS br.2 - 2008/IRIS haiku magazine No.2 - 2008

30 May 2015

white brush stroke
on azure canvas...
passengers to the sun

bijeli potez kista
na azurnom platnu...
putnici ka suncu

10.haiku dan 'Dubravko Ivančan', Krapina /10.Dubravko Ivančan Haiku Contest, Krapina (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2008

28 May 2015

breeze in the field. . .
amidst a green wave
a peering poppy

nad poljem lahor ...
usred zelenog vala
proviri mak

7.Kloštranski haiku susreti, Kloštar Ivanić /7.Klostar Ivanic Haiku Contest (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2009

27 May 2015

the big blue. . .
salt too
in her eyes

 duboko plavetnilo ...
i sol
u njenim očima

Haiku časopis IRIS br.1 - 2008/IRIS haiku magazine No.1 – 2008

26 May 2015

between blue and red
wrapped in Bora wind
a pink cloud

omotan burom
između plavog i crvenog
ružičasti oblak

Haiku časopis IRIS br.3 - 2009/IRIS haiku magazine No.3 – 2009

25 May 2015

the wind
seems colder
on a motorbike

čini se
da je vjetar hladniji
na motoru

Haiku časopis IRIS br.1 - 2008/IRIS haiku magazine No.1 – 2008

24 May 2015

full moon
above the rain...
tranquil night

pun mjesec
iznad kiše...
tiha noć

Haiku časopis IRIS br.1 - 2008/IRIS haiku magazine No.1 – 2008

23 May 2015

same droplets
in a fresh rain puddle
once again

i opet
u svježoj lokvi kiše
iste kapi

Haiku časopis IRIS br.3 - 2009/IRIS haiku magazine No.3 - 2009

22 May 2015

with the shoe
through fallen leaves
poop for a walk

kroz palo lišće
sa cipelom u šetnju
i govance

11.haiku dan 'Dubravko Ivančan', Krapina /11.Dubravko Ivančan Haiku Contest, Krapina (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2009

20 May 2015

in their own greyness
autumn clouds

u vlastitom sivilu
jesenji oblaci 

16.haiku dan 'Dubravko Ivančan', Krapina /16.Dubravko Ivančan Haiku Contest, Krapina (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2014

19 May 2015

sun at last. . .
overgrown with chirrups
a naked tree

napokon sunce ...
obraslo cvrkutom
golo stablo

16.haiku dan 'Dubravko Ivančan', Krapina /16.Dubravko Ivančan Haiku Contest, Krapina (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2014

18 May 2015

first snow. . .
the same dotted white
up and down

prvi snijeg ...
iste bijele točke
gore i dolje

13.Kloštranski haiku susreti, Kloštar Ivanić / 13.Klostar Ivanic Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2013

17 May 2015

dazzling at dawn
full of white tinsel
green grass

blista u zoru
puna bijelih šljokica
zelena trava

Haiku časopis IRIS br.2 - 2008/IRIS haiku magazine No.2 - 2008

16 May 2015

even during storm
it holds all the threads-
clothes peg

i pod burom
drži sve konce

Haiku časopis IRIS br.2 - 2008/IRIS haiku magazine No.2 - 2008

15 May 2015

September sea. . .
summer and autumn
in silver shimmer

rujansko more ...
u srebrnom ljeskanju
ljeto i jesen

23.Samoborski haiku susreti/23rd Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2015