25 August 2015

at summer sunset
seagulls from the sea
into a dustbin

u ljetni suton
galebovi sa mora
u kantu za smeće

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

23 August 2015

mirrored sea
and floating islands
from the sky

zrcalno more
i plutajući otoci
s neba

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

17 August 2015

with the light
through closed eyelids
Monday ringing

sa svjetlom
kroz zatvorene kapke
zvoni ponedjeljak

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/ 

15 August 2015

night shower. . .
the scent of thirsty soil
into a sultry room

noćni pljusak ...
miris žedne zemlje
u sparnu sobu

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

11 August 2015

little finger
in search for little brother
on a belly

zaustavi se
u potrazi za bracom
prstić na trbuhu

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

09 August 2015

little pond
inside a thirsty swallow
hastily upwards

u žednoj lastavici
žurno uvis

Blog.hr: http://smilingcricket.blog.hr/

05 August 2015

all expectations
kicking for a moment
on mother's palm

sva očekivanja
kucnu na trenutak
u majčin dlan

Haiku časopis IRIS br.7/8-2015 / IRIS haiku magazine No.7/8-2015

03 August 2015

from blue to red
after a distant ship
a little finger

iz modrog u crveno
za dalekim brodom
maleni prst

Haiku časopis IRIS br.7/8-2015 / IRIS haiku magazine No.7/8-2015