27 November 2016

malene ruke
za crvenom loptom
u obzor

little hands
after the red ball
into the horizon
'Under the Basho' haiku journal 2016

08 November 2016

 na obranom polju
strašilo maše zbogom
svojim bundevama

on a harvested field
a scarecrow waves farewell
to its pumpkins

3. Natječaj na temu 'buča' Ivanić-Grad, 2016. / The 3rd Haiku Contest on the theme 'Gourds', Ivanić-Grad, Croatia, 2016 - pohvala/honorable mention

02 November 2016

prva prehlada ...
skupe se u nosu
jesenji sokovi

first cold. . .
gathering in the nose
autumn juices

3. Susret hrvatskih haiđina, Ivanić-Grad, 2016. / 3rd Croatian Haiku Meeting, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia, 2016 – pohvala/commended