18 May 2017

s osmjesima
prošetalo gradom
zimsko sunce

with the smiles
for a walk through town
winter sun

25.Samoborski haiku susreti/25th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2017 

11 May 2017

ukrasi golo stablo


a sparrow decorates
a naked tree

25.Samoborski haiku susreti/25th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2017

04 May 2017

ljetni nokturno ...
usred snene livade
orkestar buba

summer nocturne . . .
amidst a sleepy meadow
a bug orchestra

25.Samoborski haiku susreti/25th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2017