31 December 2021

promatranje zvijezda
mobilnom aplikacijom
preko Mliječne staze

star gazing
across the Milky Way
with a mobile app

17 December 2021

mrzli dani
posljednja jesen
iscijeđena iz lišća

frigid days
last autumn drained out
from the leaves

29 October 2021

mrzla noć
svakim novim zapuhom
zatrepere zvijezde

frosty night
with each new gust
the quiver of stars

28.Samoborski haiku susreti/28th Samobor Haiku Meeting 2021
(iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

15 October 2021

s ulice
pomela lišće i ljude

from the streets
swept by bora wind
leaves and people

28.Samoborski haiku susreti/28th Samobor Haiku Meeting 2021
(iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

01 October 2021

prve pčele
donose štandovima
nove boje

first bees
bringing new colours
on the market stalls

28.Samoborski haiku susreti/28th Samobor Haiku Meeting 2021
(iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

17 September 2021

ljetna nevera
odnosi kišne oblake
polje predaleko

summer storm
drives the clouds
a field too far

28.Samoborski haiku susreti/28th Samobor Haiku Meeting 2021
(iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

03 September 2021

20 August 2021

uz stari kupus
bakica prodaje
svježe priče

an old lady
selling some fresh stories
with old cabbage

06 August 2021

09 July 2021

25 June 2021

oblaci u pokretu
i dalje stoji tako mirno
ono daleko stablo

moving clouds
even now standing so still
that tree afar

29 May 2021

očevo odijelo
kako ga je ostavio za sobom
bez svog mirisa

father's suit
how he left it behind
without his smell

14 May 2021

noćnu sparinu
pojačali uzdasi
znojnih tijela

night swelter
intensified by the sighs
of sweaty bodies

16 April 2021

otkrile se zvijezde
oblak zastane
pa krene dalje

stars uncovered
a cloud hesitates
then moves on

seashores international haiku journal
Issue 6, April 2021

19 March 2021

preko grebena
ulijeva se crvenilo
novog dana

over the ridge
the redness of a new day
pouring in

“The Mamba” Journal of Africa Haiku Network, February 2021

08 January 2021

linije života . . .
moje ostarjele ruke 
niz očeva rebra

life lines . . .
my aging hands
down father's ribs