30 April 2015

cutting its way
through a sultry night
a mosquito

prokrči put
kroz sparnu noć

20.Samoborski haiku susreti/20th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2012

29 April 2015

a butterfly flaps
its wings

i doista
zamahne krilima

20.Samoborski haiku susreti/20th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2012

28 April 2015

a droplet
on its way down

smrzne se
na putu prema dolje
mala kap

20.Samoborski haiku susreti/20th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2012

27 April 2015

with the feet
into a warm bed
icy night

sa stopalima
u topli krevet 

ledena noć

19. Samoborski haiku susreti/19th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2011

26 April 2015

through January morning
a frozen shadow

kroz siječanjsko jutro
promrzla sjena

19.Samoborski haiku susreti/19th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2011

25 April 2015

sweet and salty drops  
in wet hair

stopiše se
slatke i slane kapi
u mokroj kosi

19. Samoborski haiku susreti/19th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2011

23 April 2015

dimming the sun
through chattering teeth
a morning breath

kroz cvokot
zamaglio sunce
jutarnji dah

17.Samoborski haiku susreti/17th Samobor Haiku Meeting - 2009 (iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

22 April 2015

only rustle
and thuds across
a chestnut forest

samo šuštaji
i topot kestenovom

17. Samoborski haiku susreti/17th Samobor Haiku Meeting 2009 (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 

21 April 2015

deep into the night
at a candent doorstep

duboko u noć
na užarenom pragu
jučerašnji dan

17.Samoborski haiku susreti/17th Samobor Haiku Meeting - 2009 (iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

20 April 2015

out of the fog
straight into the nostrils

iz magle
ravno u nosnice

17.Samoborski haiku susreti/17th Samobor Haiku Meeting 2009 (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 

19 April 2015

umalo zbunio
ponoćni vjetrić

almost confused by
a midnight breeze

11. Kloštranski haiku susreti, Kloštar Ivanić 2011./Klostar Ivanic Haiku Contest 2011 – pohvala za haiku/commended

18 April 2015

the world in two
a ship's wake

svijet na dva 

vodena brazda

3rd Vladimir Devide Haiku Award – pohvala/commended  

17 April 2015

playing their way
through foreign words
little strangers

kroz nepoznate riječi
maleni stranci

Časopis za haiku IRIS  - Mali natječaj za haiku (Tema/Topic: 2010 - International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures) – Nagrada/Award