uskom stazom
prema Bashōvoj kolibi
Busonov grob
up the narrow road
towards Bashō's hut
Buson's grave
'Under the Basho' haiku journal 2018
* Konpuku-ji je hram u Kyotu, gdje je Matsuo Basho odsjeo u izvornoj rezidenciji u 17. stoljeću, koja je kasnije izgubljena, da bi ju u 18. stoljeću obnovio veliki slikar i haiku pjesnik Buson. Busonova grobnica kao i one njegova tri sljedbenika mogu se naći u blizini malene kolibe.
*Konpuku-ji is a temple in Kyoto, where Matsuo Basho is said to have stayed in the original residence in the 17th century, which was subsequently lost and then later rebuilt in the 18th century by the great painter and haiku poet, Buson. Buson's tomb and the ones of his three disciples can be found near the small cottage.
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