28 December 2018

ispuni kapljicu rose
cijela šuma

a whole forest filled
in a dewdrop

6. Susreti haiku pjesnika, Vrbovsko 2018. / 6th Haiku Meeting in Vrbovsko 2018
((iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

14 December 2018

uhvaćena riba
vraćena u rijeku
ne zahvali se

caught fish
returned to the river
it doesn't thank me

6. Susreti haiku pjesnika, Vrbovsko 2018. / 6th Haiku Meeting in Vrbovsko 2018

30 November 2018

djevojčica i pauk ... 
ostade krik 

fleeing both 
girl and spider. . . 
a scream remains

Haiku časopis IRIS br. 12 / IRIS haiku magazine No. 12 – 2018

16 November 2018

uz Sumidu
Bashōv spomenik ...
teku riječi

Bashō's statue
by the Sumida river . . .
the flow of words

'Under the Basho' haiku journal 2018

02 November 2018

stara fontana
umalo dosegnula
procvalu trešnju

old fountain
almost within reach of
a blossoming cherry

'Under the Basho' haiku journal 2018

19 October 2018

stapaju se u grimizne oblake
more i nebo

merging into crimson clouds
sea and sky

Haiku časopis IRIS br. 12 / IRIS haiku magazine No. 12 – 2018

12 October 2018

samo odjeća
pokvari sklad
jesenje šume

only clothes
spoil the grace of 
an autumn forest

26.Samoborski haiku susreti/26th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2018

28 September 2018

kroz vlati trave 
drukčijom pjesmom 

the wind 
through the grass leaves 
in a different tune

The Haiku Foundation (A Sense of Place: meadow/field – hearing), September 2018

07 September 2018

slađi od bobica 
okus vode 

mountain walk . . .
sweeter than berries
the taste of water 

The Haiku Foundation (A Sense of Place: mountain – taste), September 2018

31 August 2018

na tren
zagluši zrikavce

for a moment
deafening the crickets
thunder rumble

Haiku časopis IRIS br. 12 / IRIS haiku magazine No. 12 – 2018

17 August 2018

brojniji od ljudi
lampioni Higashi Chaye

in the morning
more numerous than people
Higashi Chaya lanterns

'Under the Basho' haiku journal 2018

*Higashi Chaya je povijesna gejša četvrt Kanazawe poznata po svojim starim čajanama, uličicama, muzejima i restoranima. / *Higashi Chaya is the historic geisha district of Kanazawa famous for its old tea houses, little streets, museums and restauarants.

03 August 2018

uskom stazom
prema Bashōvoj kolibi
Busonov grob 

up the narrow road
towards Bashō's hut
Buson's grave

'Under the Basho' haiku journal 2018

* Konpuku-ji je hram u Kyotu, gdje je Matsuo Basho odsjeo u izvornoj rezidenciji u 17. stoljeću, koja je kasnije izgubljena, da bi ju u 18. stoljeću obnovio veliki slikar i haiku pjesnik Buson. Busonova grobnica kao i one njegova tri sljedbenika mogu se naći u blizini malene kolibe.

*Konpuku-ji is a temple in Kyoto, where Matsuo Basho is said to have stayed in the original residence in the 17th century, which was subsequently lost and then later rebuilt in the 18th century by the great painter and haiku poet, Buson. Buson's tomb and the ones of his three disciples can be found near the small cottage.

20 July 2018

šumska gozba ...
četiri ose i dva prsta
oko salame 

forest feast 
four wasps and two fingers 
around salami

26.Samoborski haiku susreti/26th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2018

22 June 2018

nebo zažućeno

the sky yellowed
with butterflies

26.Samoborski haiku susreti/26th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2018

08 June 2018

na prozoru
u pun mjesec
uroni lice

on a window
into a full moon
a face immerses

'Haiku kraj mogile' haiku natječaj, Oroslavje 2018/'Haiku kraj mogile' haiku contest, Oroslavje, Croatia 2018

25 May 2018

pod Mliječnom stazom 
krijesnice osvjetljavaju put 
do djetinjstva 

under the Milky Way 
fireflies lighten the path 
towards childhood 

The Asahi Shimbun, Japan - ASAHI HAIKUIST NETWORK, 18 May 2018

11 May 2018

na malom dlanu 
pretvori se u suzu 

on a little palm
a snowflake turns 
into a tear

26.Samoborski haiku susreti/26th Samobor Haiku Meeting (iz zbornika/from the miscellany) 2018

27 April 2018

laticu trešnje 
s grančice istisnula 
kap kiše 

a cherry petal 
ousted from a branch 
by a raindrop

World Haiku Review, Ožujak 2018/ March 2018

20 April 2018

pod trešnjom 
ružičastim oblačićima 
prekriveno nebo 

under a cherry tree 
the sky covered  
with pink clouds 

Sharpening the Green Pencil Haiku Contest, Romania (iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

10 March 2018

u toku rijeke
tek trešnjin cvat 

in the course of a river
only the cherry blossoms
at rest

BLITHE SPIRIT (Journal of The British Haiku Society) - Volume 28, Number 1
Ožujak/March 2018

23 February 2018

od mirisa livade
miris pokošene trave

the scent of mown grass
stronger than
the scent of a meadow

5. Susreti haiku pjesnika, Ravna Gora 2017. / 5th Haiku Meeting in Ravna Gora 2017
(iz zbornika/from the miscellany)

16 February 2018

razigrano dijete
između dva daha
puno pitanja

a playful child
between two breaths
full of questions

4. Susreti hrvatskih haiđina u Ivanić-Gradu 2017. / 4th Croatian Haiku Meeting in Ivanić-Grad
(iz zbornika / from the miscellany)

09 February 2018

bijelina galeba
i plastične vrećice
na plavom nebu

against a blue sky
the whiteness of a seagull
and a plastic bag

My Haiku Pond: 2nd Annual Haiku for Change Event 2017

05 January 2018

od vrata pa nagore -
siječanjsko sunce

from the neck and upwards -
January sun

Haiku časopis IRIS br. 11 / IRIS haiku magazine No. 11 – 2017